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Paternal Mental Health: Current Challenges and How Healthcare Professionals Can Help

Three experts in paternal mental health — researcher and clinical psychologist Sheehan D. Fisher, PhD, clinical psychologist Danny Singley, PhD, and pediatrician David Levine, MD, who personally experienced postpartum depression and anxiety — will be sharing the current landscape, challenges, and solutions to better support the mental health of fathers.

Meet the Presenters

Meet the Presenters

Sheehan D. Fisher, Ph.D.

Perinatal Clinical Psychologist

Associate Dean for Diversity and Inclusion, The Graduate School

Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine

  • Sheehan Fisher, PhD is an Associate Professor and perinatal clinical psychologist at Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine, and Associate Dean for Diversity and Inclusion at The Graduate School.

    His research career focuses on the effects of perinatal and subsequent parental mental health on infant/child health outcomes, with a specialization in the emerging field of father mental health. His aim is to reconceptualize parental mental health research to integrally involve fathers to differentiate parents’ impact on child medical and mental health.

    Dr. Fisher’s research dovetails with his perinatal clinical practice, including being the clinical director of the Fathers’ Mental Health Specialty Clinic. He is also chair of the International Marcé Society’s Fathers Special Interest Group.

    Ultimately, the goal of his research plan is to optimize the health and effectiveness of the parental team to positively influence the child health trajectory starting during pregnancy.


David Levine, MD, FAAP

General Pediatrician

Head of Ambulatory Pediatrics, Atlantic Health System

Vice Chair of the Board, Postpartum Support International

  • Dr. Levine is a New Jersey based pediatrician with the Atlantic Medical Group and is a fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

    He suffered from postpartum depression with his first child, but that did not stop him from having a second, nor from having postpartum anxiety with that one. He has spoken about his experiences at multiple postpartum mental health conferences, as well as on The Charlie Rose Show.

    In what passes as free time, Dr. Levine likes to play softball, watch movies and sports, sleep, and spend time with his family – not in that order.

Daniel B. Singley, Ph.D., ABPP, PMH-C

Clinical Psychologist, The Center for Men’s Excellence

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  • Yes, there are 10 minutes of Q&A in this webinar where you can ask the speakers your questions.

    You can also submit your question in advance using the registration form.