Military Mothers' Mental Health Roundtable Resources
Supporting the mental health and wellbeing of our nation’s military mothers is an ongoing priority for MMHLA.
This webpage is where we will share meeting agendas, surveys, reports, and more information related to this work.
Share the National Maternal Mental Health Hotline with your network!
The Hotline is free, confidential, and available 24/7 in English and Spanish for anyone needing support with maternal mental health.
Order free materials to promote the Hotline by contacting Christina Taillie at CTaillie@hrsa.gov.
October 2024
Military Maternal Mental Health Roundtable • Part II
On October 24, 2024, we hosted a virtual roundtable discussion to continue the conversation about problems and potential solutions to support the mental health and well-being of military mothers.
The meeting covered:
An overview of the issue
The National Maternal Mental Health Hotline
Information about Postpartum Support International’s support groups (including their military mothers’ support group and military coordinators)
A brainstorming session about how to increase the number of PMH-C (perinatal mental health certified) providers who accept TRICARE (we aim to turn into a small ongoing task force to work on this issue).
July 2024
Military Maternal Mental Health Roundtable • Part I
On July 25, at the Military Women’s Memorial in Arlington, VA, we hosted an in-person roundtable discussion on military mothers’ mental health that convened over 60 guests, including individuals with lived experience and thought leaders from organizations representing maternal mental health, maternal-child health, mental health, military service organizations, and government departments and agencies.
We discussed:
The impact of maternal mental health in the military
Existing efforts and programs that support military mothers’ mental health
Key opportunities for participants to work together to improve or expand their efforts
Our next step is to obtain specific commitments from participants on steps they can take to support the mental health and well-being of our nation’s military mothers — both active duty service members and spouses.
Learn More about Military, Veteran Women, and Maternal Mental Health with our Fact Sheet
Government Accountability Office: Prevalence of and Efforts to Screen and Treat Mental Health Conditions in Prenatal and Postpartum TRICARE Beneficiaries LINK
HealthyWomen: Women’s Health is a Readiness Issue LINK
Military Family Advisory Network Survey Re: Mental Health Care and Telehealth LINK
Normalizing Military Mental Health Care: Myth vs. Fact LINK
Connect with Others
Military Maternal Mental Health Roundtable Contact Booklet
To be included in future versions of the contact booklet, email mhemstad@mmhla.org.