Read What These Military Moms Have to Say…

Patience Riley, LPC | Mother, Air Force Spouse, Therapist

"My most difficult years as a military spouse were 2019-2021. I moved three times in one and a half years with a new baby, solo parented, navigated the pandemic, and shortly after having my second son, my husband deployed again — leaving me with a 3-month-old and a toddler. My mental health took a direct hit. How could it not?”

Learn more about Patience

Tiara Flynn | Mother, Air Force Veteran, and Full Spectrum Doula

“I am excited to see The MOMS Act officially introduced in the House and Senate. I had to make the difficult choice between my military career and motherhood, so I understand the silent struggles military moms face. There’s a delicate balance between the demands of a military uniform and the emotional weight of motherhood that is often overlooked and unsupported. I’m glad that we have a bill that could provide more support to military moms.”

Learn more about Tiara

Lakeatta Tonge, MSN, BSN, RNC-MNN | Mother, Air Force Veteran, Maternal-Newborn Nurse

“Every human being was born of a brave woman that sacrificed her life to give life. The least we can do is give these women an equal chance to live beyond childbirth.”

Learn more about Lakeatta